Wednesday, March 18, 2009

"Popular Misery" and Stuffed Cabbage

Among the bento blogs that I tour around and view, FrenchBento is one of my favorites for inducing a feeling of miserable inferiority. Just kidding; actually she has some fabulous ideas and the way she describes them often has a touch of humor that I enjoy.

It seems that on Sunday she made little bento packets of stuffed cabbage wrapped around with kitchen twine. They are so cute, and they are indeed the kind of thing that I can imagine making, and having them turn out to be just ghastly looking monstrosities.

Here's her photo of the bento with stuffed cabbage leaves:

She gives a quick description of how she made them, and if you use the Google translator you get this:

"Also in the broth, place the cabbage, a large carrot, an onion pique of cloves, a large piece of black radish turnip failing, and popular misery.
J'ai laissé cuire à petits bouillons pendant une heure. I left to cook small bubbles for an hour. "

I love it! That's how I often feel when trying out a new recipe. That lady packs a beautiful bento too.

1 comment:

  1. I have seen her bento on flickr - yeah, she has some cute stuff! :)
