Thursday, March 26, 2009

Bento Cowgirl

Jan's bento this a.m. is wrapped in my favorite 'furoshiki' which is really just a bandanna he gave me for my birthday a few years ago; it depicts a typical session of me riding one of my nice quiet horses. :)

His bento is:

Carrot-lime slaw (yummm), egg salad cup, grape tomatoes, and Savoy cabbage sauteed with sesame oil, a green onion, and some shreds of red pickled ginger; then hoisin sesame pork, a nice fresh umeboshi onigiri made late last night, chocolate oatmeal bite and marshmallow Peep.



  1. YEEEEHAW! I love your cowgirl furoshiki! CUTE!!!

    Can you post your carrot slaw recipe? I tried to make it once and phailed miserably... :(

  2. I'll get that carrot slaw recipe up asap. I liked it so much because it was very lime-juicey.
