Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Bento Masculine or Feminine?

On another bento board I was reading a post by a young woman who is starting to make bento for her male room-mate; she wanted ideas for 'masculine' foods. Are there such things? I think I know what she meant, and that one post was the reason I added skillet chili fries to Jan's bento this morning.

He has: MachoMan quiche, sugar snap peas, cherry tomatoes, kalamata olives, and a super masculine pumped up daikon chickie on top; chili fries with jalapenos (UNGH!!), orange sections with little heart-shaped grapes on top just like ripped biceps; Pocky (hey I've seen boys eat it!) in the lid.

I have much the same except in my case it is: lovely lite quiche, veggies and olives with a kyoot widdle daikon chickie on top, oranges, grapes, and a bright red marshmallow Peep.

So I think we are OK with the gender boundaries. Phew, that was close.


  1. My hubby's bento are always in clear plastic containers - but since I bought them at a Japanese store I can call them BENTO rather than just TUPPERWARE - lol! His bentos usually contain a sandwich, chips, and a cookie. I dont add any "kawaii" to his lunches as he would refuse to take them in the morning - lol.

  2. I'm pretty sure Jan's co-workers think I'm crazy and he's a saint for bringing all my cutesy lunches - but he does love the various foods.

  3. You put so much effort in to these lunches? Where do you find the time?

    I just love lurking and seeing what you put in your boxes!

  4. Jocelyn, once you become insane everything else is easy. I get up crazy early and unless I am to do something genuinely constructive like work-related, I need to find an outlet. Voila! bento lunches.
