Thursday, February 12, 2009

Red-Egg Bento: Fun with Food Colors

Coloring eggs is so much fun it should not be confined to Easter and the outsides of eggs. I am just beginning to have these weird bento color desires. The (peeled, hard-boiled) egg floated all night in a sinister red solution of (true confession) food coloring. Real bento people use all-natural dye like water that beets have been boiled in. I will get there.

This bento above was one of my favorites ever. It had a little mini-bagel burger, sesame red chard, the great Red Egg (half), yams with sesame seeds on top, cucumber slices, and a little bunny of ume plum vinegar for the yam. I looooove plum vinegar!

Jan's bento was related:

Mini-burger with chips and a little container of ketchup; coleslaw with green onions and Red Egg (half); yam slices, veggies and soybean green olive hummus; an yogurt with blackberries and agave nectar.

My struggle with Jan's meals is always that he wants low carbs but I believe almost religiously in the importance of yellow vegetables such as yams, energy carbs such as rice, and of course DESSERT the most civilizing food category of the planet. He has ordered a low-carb cookbook so maybe we'll get some more ideas there.


  1. FL,

    First off, repeat after me! "I AM A REAL BENTO PERSON"!! ;)

    Next, I love ume vinegar too!!! I love it on raw mushrooms - try it!

    I have never thought of your bentos as 'high carbs'! They are always so healthy and balanced! :)

  2. Thanks Avie - you're the best!! And Happy Valentine's Day!
