Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Super-packed Bento

Upper level: jasmine rice and umeboshi, broccoli with rice vinegar and mirin, sesame tofu.

Lower level: Kiwi, cherry tomatoes, clementine, baby carrots.

I stir-fried the broccoli in a tiny bit of sesame oil; then for the last 3 minutes of
cooking I poured about 2 teaspoons of rice vinegar and 1 tsp of mirin over the broccoli and just simmered that. It was so good!

I've been wrapping bento box Christmas gifts (share the obsession!) along with copies of Susan Yuen's lovely Hawaii's Bento Box Cookbook for all my friends who have expressed even the tiniest interest in bento. I hope that in 2010 more of us will be sharing the love of bento!


  1. How pretty, how healthy, nice bento.

  2. NewToBento: Arrigato gozaimas!!! *-*

  3. I gave away a load of bento boxes etc to family last Xmas -- and this year I gave a set to one of the Salvation Army bell ringers I struck up a bit of chat with!

  4. Your bentos always inspire us for a healthy bento! Thanks for sharing this lovely healthy idea :D

  5. love it! the fruit looks so nice! :D

  6. Where can I find bento boxes? I live near Seattle so Uwajimaya is probably a good bet but are there shops online? Your bento boxes are wonderful, healthier than the ones I've seen.

  7. What a wonderfully colorful bento! And I love that you gave out bento stuff for Christmas. Fun! :)

  8. Thanks so much, I really appreciate it! :)
