
Since last spring I have been working out at the gym religiously (with one interruption for a hurt knee that came from stupidly jumping down from a pickup truck bed in a hurry).
My workout has come to be enjoyable!! I spend one hour on the elliptical machine, marching through space while unbelievable junk TV (like "Dance Your Ass Off")plays itself out before my eyes and commercials try to sell me sleep, and acne-free skin, and innovative forms of birth control.
Then I go to the weight room and mystify myself with settings and numbers and postures oh my, for 1/2 hour. Then I stretch in the designated stretching room, where I am in grave danger of falling asleep on the floor.
But all this means I must have some significant protein within a half hour or...who knows what might happen. Nothing, is my guess. But whatever helps me take the whole workout thing seriously is good. So today's bentos take account of that, along with the fact that Jan is recovering from a cold and feels poorly so gets a bigger bento than usual.
Top bento is Jan's: hard-boiled egg, candies, and Greek salad; with turkey pastrami roll-up sandwich and carrots & wheat chips.
Lower bento is mine: leftover veggie stir-fry and brown rice; fried tofu with black sesame seeds, hard-boiled egg, carrots.
To your good health!!! Uff da.